Is This The Most Aggressive Bronze Medal Celebration of All Time?



Listen if I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times. The biggest sham going is silver and bronze medals in the Olympics. Since when is coming in 2nd and 3rd something to brag about? 2nd place is the first loser. You don’t see the Broncos running around bragging about losing the Superbowl do you? It’s fucking ridiculous.  They either play your anthem or they don’t. If they don’t that means you lost plain and simple. Like I was honestly embarrassed for this guy. Yeah I know he’s from Vermont. I know he was a wax tech last year. I don’t care. You don’t get pigpiled and beat you chest like you just won the Heavyweight Championship of the world when you came in 3rd. That’s not what America is about.  That’s not what I’m about.  To quote Herm Edwards you play to win the game.

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